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Macedonia del Norte

Known for its traditional villages and churches, North Macedonia also has some of the best wildlife.

Acerca de Macedonia del Norte

The Republic of North Macedonia (Macedonian: Северна Македонија, Severna Makedonija; formerly the Republic of Macedonia, also FYROM and FYR Macedonia, Macedonian: Македонија, Makedonija) is a landlocked country in the heart of the Balkans. It is bordered by Serbia and Kosovo to the north, Albania to the west, Bulgaria to the east, and Greece to the south.\nThe majority of the population is ethnic Macedonian and Orthodox Christian but there is also a significant Albanian Muslim minority. One can expect a wonderful mix of architectural and ethnic heritage. The country represents the Balkans in the truest sense, consisting of a fascinating mix of Macedonian, Albanian, Turkish, and Mediterranean influences.

Lugares para visitar en Macedonia del Norte

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