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Ce pour quoi Hobart est connu

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Chutes d'eau et merveilles naturelles

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Hobart FAQ

Quelle est la meilleure période pour visiter Hobart?

Les mois de décembre et janvier sont généralement les meilleurs mois pour visiter Hobart, car le temps est généralement chaud et ensoleillé. Cependant, il est important de noter que la ville est très fréquentée pendant cette période en raison de festivals et d'événements tels que Taste of Tasmania. Si vous cherchez à éviter la foule, vous pouvez visiter Hobart en avril, qui est également une période agréable avec des températures douces et peu de pluie.

Quelles sont les attractions à ne pas manquer à Hobart?

Il y a plusieurs attractions incontournables à Hobart, notamment le MONA (Musée d'art de la Tasmanie), Salamanca Market, le jardin botanique royal de Tasmanie, Mount Wellington et Cascade Brewery. Il y a également de nombreux restaurants et cafés réputés dans la ville qui valent bien une visite.

Comment se déplacer à Hobart?

Le meilleur moyen de se déplacer à Hobart est en voiture, car il vous permettra de découvrir la ville et les attractions environnantes à votre propre rythme. Il y a également un réseau de transports en commun qui dessert la ville et ses environs, ainsi que des taxis et des services de covoiturage. Si vous êtes ici pour une journée, vous pouvez vous déplacer à pied ou louer un vélo pour explorer la ville.

Quelles sont les spécialités culinaires de Hobart et de la Tasmanie?

Les spécialités culinaires de Hobart et de la Tasmanie comprennent des fruits de mer frais, tels que des huîtres de la côte est de la Tasmanie, des saumons et des homards. Ils sont souvent servis dans des restaurants sur le port de plaisance de la ville. D'autres spécialités sont la viande de wallaby, le fromage et le vin produit localement, en particulier les vins en provenance de la région viticole de Coal River Valley.

Où se loger à Hobart?

Hobart offre une variété d'options d'hébergement, y compris des hôtels, des auberges de jeunesse, des maisons d'hôtes et des locations de vacances. La plupart des visiteurs séjournent à Hobart CBD (centre-ville), North Hobart ou Battery Point. Il est recommandé de réserver à l'avance, surtout en haute saison, pour garantir la disponibilité et les meilleurs prix.

Itinéraire de voyage pour Hobart


Welcome to Hobart, a vibrant tapestry of history, culture, and breathtaking natural beauty nestled against the majestic backdrop of Mount Wellington. As Australia’s second oldest capital, this charming city invites you to stroll its cobblestone streets, where colonial architecture whispers tales of the past, and the air is infused with the tantalizing aromas of fresh produce and artisanal delights from its bustling Salamanca Market. Here, the stunning harbor meets the rugged wilderness, promising an adventure that melds urban sophistication with the untamed spirit of Tasmania.

Prepare to be captivated by Hobart’s unique attractions, from the world-renowned Museum of Old and New Art (MONA), which challenges conventional perspectives of art in astonishing ways, to the serene beauty of the Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens, where exotic flora dances in harmony with local species. But Hobart is not just about its well-trodden paths; it holds hidden treasures waiting to be discovered. Venture to the lesser-known MONA FOMA festival, an annual celebration of

Comment y arriver

Reaching Hobart is a breeze, with direct flights from major cities like Melbourne and Sydney taking about 1.5 hours. For those seeking a scenic journey, consider the picturesque drive from Launceston, which showcases Tasmania's stunning landscapes over approximately 2.5 hours. Whether you opt for air travel or a leisurely road trip, Hobart's charm is just a ticket away!


Hobart boasts a diverse accommodation scene, ranging from luxurious waterfront hotels to charming boutique stays and budget-friendly hostels, ensuring every traveler finds their perfect home away from home. Key neighborhoods like Salamanca and Battery Point offer not only picturesque views but also easy access to local attractions and dining. For a week-long visit, consider booking in advance during peak seasons to secure the best rates and availability. Explore our curated list of options to discover the ideal spot for your Hobart adventure.

Itinéraire suggéré

Day 1: Historical Wonders of Hobart

Morning Activity:
Cascade Historic Tour
Explore the rich history of Cascade Brewery, the oldest continuously operating brewery in Australia. This guided tour will immerse you in the stories of the dreamers and doers who shaped this iconic Tasmanian institution.

  • Duration: 1.5 hours
  • Tip: Arrive early to enjoy the lush gardens and historic buildings surrounding the brewery.
  • Link: Cascade Historic Tour
    Cascade Brewery

Lunch Suggestion:
Mures Upper Deck
Enjoy fresh seafood with stunning views of the harbor, featuring local fish and chips or freshly shucked oysters.

Afternoon Activity:
Battery Point and Salamanca Place
Stroll through the historic Battery Point, famed for its charming 19th-century architecture. Follow this with a visit to Salamanca Place, where you can explore boutique shops and art galleries.

  • Duration: 2-3 hours
  • Tip: Don’t miss the local artists’ work at the Salamanca Arts Centre.

Evening Activity:
Dinner at The Drunken Admiral
Indulge in a hearty meal at this unique seafood restaurant housed in a former ship's chandlery. Try their renowned seafood platter.

Day 2: Nature and Scenic Views

Morning Activity:
Mount Wellington Pinnacle 2 Hours Small Group Tour
Embark on a guided tour to the summit of Mount Wellington for panoramic views of Hobart and beyond.

Lunch Suggestion:
The Source Restaurant
Located at MONA (Museum of Old and New Art), enjoy a seasonal menu focusing on local produce.

Afternoon Activity:
Explore MONA
Delve into the intriguing world of contemporary art at MONA, an architectural marvel housing provocative and thought-provoking exhibitions.

  • Duration: 2-3 hours
  • Tip: Consider taking a ferry from the city for a scenic approach.

Evening Activity:
Dinner at the MONA's Venue
Dine at the Source Restaurant or enjoy a casual meal at the MONA bar, known for its unique atmosphere and local wines.

Day 3: Adventure Awaits

Day Trip:
Private Tour of Tahune Airwalk and Hastings Caves
Experience Tasmania’s natural wonders on a full-day private tour. Stroll among treetops at the Tahune Airwalk and explore the fascinating Hastings Caves.

Lunch Suggestion:
Picnic at the Airwalk
Pack a picnic to enjoy amidst nature, or grab a bite at the visitor center café.

Evening Activity:
Relax at your accommodation
Enjoy a quiet evening after a day packed with adventure.

Day 4: Cultural Immersion

Morning Activity:
Port Arthur Historic Site
Discover the history of Australia’s convict past at this UNESCO World Heritage site. Explore the buildings, gardens, and learn about the lives of the convicts who lived here.

  • Duration: 4 hours
  • Tip: Consider joining a guided tour for deeper insights.
  • Link: Time Traveler Tour
    Port Arthur

Lunch Suggestion:
Port Arthur Café
Enjoy a meal at the café on-site, offering a range of local and seasonal dishes.

Afternoon Activity:
Tasman Peninsula Scenic Drive
Take a scenic drive around the Tasman Peninsula, stopping at lookout points for breathtaking views of the coastline.

  • Duration: 2-3 hours

Evening Activity:
Dinner at Eaglehawk Neck
Savor dinner at a local eatery with stunning views of the coastline.

Day 5: Wildlife Wonders

Morning Activity:
Bonorong Wildlife Sanctuary
Meet and learn about Tasmania's unique wildlife, including Tasmanian devils and kangaroos.

  • Duration: 2-3 hours
  • Tip: Participate in the feeding sessions for an unforgettable experience.
    Bonorong Wildlife Sanctuary

Lunch Suggestion:
The Picnic Basket
Grab a delicious takeaway lunch from this local favorite to enjoy in the park.

Afternoon Activity:
Richmond Village
Visit the historic village of Richmond, known for its charming architecture and the famous Richmond Bridge. Explore shops and perhaps sample local wines.

  • Duration: 2 hours

Evening Activity:
Dinner at the Richmond Arms Hotel
Experience traditional Tasmanian cuisine in a warm, inviting atmosphere.

Day 6: Off the Beaten Path

Morning Activity:
Three Capes Off Season Explorer Hiking Tour
Embark on a guided hiking adventure exploring the stunning landscapes of the Tasman Peninsula.

  • Duration: 3 days (can be adjusted for a single day)
  • Tip: Be prepared for moderate to challenging hikes with rocky terrain.
  • Link: Three Capes Hiking Tour
    Three Capes

Lunch Suggestion:
Packed Lunch on the Trail
Bring a packed lunch to enjoy amidst the stunning scenery.

Afternoon Activity:
Continue Hiking
Explore more trails and take in the breathtaking views along the cliffs.

Evening Activity:
Dinner at a Local Restaurant
Select a cozy local restaurant for a relaxing dinner, featuring local produce.

Day 7: Relaxation and Reflection

Morning Activity:
Salamanca Market (Saturdays)
If your trip coincides with Saturday, explore the vibrant Salamanca Market, featuring local artisans, food vendors, and crafts.

  • Duration: 2-3 hours

Lunch Suggestion:
Local Stalls at the Market
Sample local delicacies from various food stalls.

Afternoon Activity:
Explore the Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens
Stroll through beautiful gardens showcasing Tasmania’s unique flora.

  • Duration: 2 hours
  • Tip: Bring a book for some quiet reading time in the garden.

Evening Activity:
Farewell Dinner at The Glass House
Enjoy a final dinner overlooking the water, with a menu focusing on local and seasonal produce.


This 7-day itinerary in Hobart offers a beautiful blend of history, nature, culture, and adventure, ensuring you experience the best of Tasmania. From the historical depths of Port Arthur to the breathtaking heights of Mount Wellington, each day is crafted to provide a rich and immersive experience, combining must-see attractions with unique local encounters. Relax, explore, and savor the beauty of Hobart!

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