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Ohrid FAQ

Wie komme ich nach Ohrid?

Ohrid ist per Flugzeug, Bus oder Auto erreichbar. Der internationale Flughafen Ohrid bietet Flüge aus verschiedenen europäischen Städten an. Es gibt auch Busverbindungen von Skopje oder anderen Städten in der Nähe. Wenn Sie mit dem Auto anreisen, nutzen Sie am besten die Autobahn E75.

Was sind die wichtigsten Sehenswürdigkeiten in Ohrid?

Ohrid hat viele historische Stätten und Denkmäler zu bieten. Die wichtigsten Sehenswürdigkeiten sind die Burg von Samuel, die Kirche des Hl. Sophia, die Kloster des Hl. Naum, die Kirche des Hl. Johannes des Täufers und die Kirche des Hl. Kliment. Außerdem sollten Sie sich einen Spaziergang entlang des Sees und durch die Altstadt von Ohrid nicht entgehen lassen.

Welche Aktivitäten gibt es in Ohrid?

In Ohrid gibt es viele Aktivitäten, die Sie unternehmen können. Sie können am Strand entspannen, schwimmen, Boot fahren oder andere Wassersportarten ausüben. Alternativ können Sie auch wandern, Rad fahren oder eine Stadtbesichtigung machen. Auch das Nachtleben in Ohrid ist sehr lebhaft, mit vielen Bars und Clubs, die bis spät in die Nacht geöffnet sind.

Welche Restaurants empfehlen Sie in Ohrid?

Ohrid hat viele Restaurants, die lokale und internationale Küche anbieten. Einige der beliebtesten Restaurants sind Kaneo, Vila Biljana, Belvedere und Restaurant Ostrovo. Die meisten Restaurants befinden sich entlang des Sees, so dass Sie eine atemberaubende Aussicht auf den See genießen können.

Wann ist die beste Reisezeit für Ohrid?

Die beste Reisezeit für Ohrid ist zwischen Juni und September, wenn die Temperaturen am wärmsten sind und das Wetter am besten ist. Wenn Sie das Nachtleben und volle Strände vermeiden möchten, sollten Sie im Mai oder Oktober reisen, wenn es etwas weniger voll ist.

Reiseplan für Ohrid


Welcome to Ohrid, a mesmerizing jewel nestled along the shimmering shores of Lake Ohrid in the Republic of Macedonia. Often referred to as the "Jerusalem of the Balkans," this UNESCO World Heritage site boasts a rich tapestry of history, culture, and natural beauty that captivates every traveler who ventures here. As you wander through the cobbled streets of the old town, you’ll be transported back in time, with ancient churches and monasteries whispering tales of the centuries they’ve withstood. The stunning blend of Byzantine architecture and Ottoman influences creates a picturesque backdrop, while the vibrant local culture invites you to immerse yourself in traditional music, crafts, and cuisine.

Your adventure in Ohrid promises to unveil both celebrated landmarks and hidden treasures. From the iconic Church of St. John at Kaneo, perched dramatically on a cliff overlooking the lake, to the lesser-known yet equally enchanting Monastery of Saint Naum, where the stunning views and tranquil surroundings provide a perfect escape. Did you know that Lake


To reach the enchanting shores of Ohrid, travelers can fly into Ohrid Airport, just a short 15-minute drive from the city center, or opt for scenic road trips from nearby cities like Skopje, about 2.5 hours away. For those seeking a unique experience, consider taking a picturesque bus ride along the lakeside, where breathtaking views of Lake Ohrid unfold at every turn. Whether you’re planning a quick getaway or a week-long exploration, these transport options make accessing this UNESCO World Heritage site both convenient and memorable.


Ohrid offers a diverse accommodation scene, blending traditional charm with modern comforts, ensuring options for every type of traveler. The picturesque Old Town is a popular choice, with its historic allure, while the lakeside areas provide stunning views and serene atmospheres. From luxury resorts to cozy boutique hotels and budget-friendly hostels, you'll find a variety of places to suit your preferences. For a well-rounded experience during your 7-day stay, consider booking accommodations that allow easy access to both cultural sites and natural beauty. Explore the list of hotels below to find your perfect home base in this enchanting destination.

Vorgeschlagener Reiseplan

Day 1: Historical Wonders of Ohrid

Morning Activity:
Ohrid Walking Tour
Explore the ancient streets of Ohrid with a local guide. Visit the 11th-century Tsar Samuel's Fortress for panoramic views and wander through the old city to see the Ancient Theatre.
Duration: 3 hours
Tips: Wear comfortable shoes as you'll be walking on cobblestone streets.

Lunch Suggestion:
Restaurant Vila Belvedere
Enjoy local dishes like trout and ajvar while overlooking Lake Ohrid.

Afternoon Activity:
Visit St. John at Kaneo
Hike to this iconic church perched on a cliff, offering breathtaking views of the lake and mountains.
Duration: 1.5 hours
Tips: Best visited in the afternoon when the light is perfect for photos.

Evening Activity:
Dinner at Kaneo Restaurant
Relish traditional Macedonian cuisine while enjoying the sunset over the lake.
Duration: 2 hours

Day 2: Nature and Adventure

Morning Activity:
Paragliding Above Lake Ohrid
Experience the thrill of tandem paragliding with stunning views of the lake and surrounding mountains.
Duration: 2-3 hours (including preparation)
Book your paragliding adventure here.
Tips: Wear sporty clothing. Book in advance for availability.

Lunch Suggestion:
Local Tavern
Try “tavče gravče” (baked beans) or fresh lake fish.

Afternoon Activity:
Visit the Monastery of Saint Naum
Take a 30-minute boat ride or drive to this beautiful monastery known for its serene location and crystal-clear springs.
Duration: 2 hours
Tips: Bring a camera for the picturesque surroundings.

Evening Activity:
Relax by the Lake
Stroll along the lakeside promenade, followed by dinner at a lakeside café.

Day 3: Cultural Immersion

Morning Activity:
Bigorski Monastery and Duff Waterfalls Tour
Discover North Macedonia’s most prestigious monastery and enjoy the beautiful natural scenery of the waterfalls.
Duration: Full-day trip (approx. 6 hours)
More details here.
Tips: Dress modestly for the monastery.

Lunch Suggestion:
Picnic at the Waterfalls
Pack a light lunch to enjoy amidst nature.

Evening Activity:
Dinner in Ohrid
Visit Restaurant Kosta for more local flavors.

Day 4: Lake and Leisure

Morning Activity:
Boat Trip on Lake Ohrid
Enjoy a relaxing boat ride on the lake, exploring hidden coves and enjoying the tranquil waters.
Duration: 2 hours
Tips: Bring sunscreen and a hat.

Lunch Suggestion:
Lunch at a Floating Restaurant
Experience unique dining on the water with fresh fish and local wines.

Afternoon Activity:
Visit the Ancient Theatre of Ohrid
Explore this well-preserved Roman amphitheater, now used for performances.
Duration: 1 hour
Tips: Check for any scheduled performances.

Evening Activity:
Dinner at Restaurant Kuka
Savor local specialties in a cozy atmosphere.

Day 5: Day Trip to Struga and Vevchani

Morning Activity:
City Trip to Struga and Independent Vevchani
Explore the poetic town of Struga, visiting the Black Drim river and local market. Then, head to Vevchani to see its famous springs.
Duration: Full-day trip (approx. 6 hours)
Learn more here.
Tips: Bring cash for local markets.

Lunch Suggestion:
Local Restaurant in Vevchani
Try local cuisine while enjoying the scenery.

Evening Activity:
Return to Ohrid for Dinner
Enjoy a relaxed dinner at Café Bar Dva Ribara.

Day 6: Adventure and Exploration

Morning Activity:
Hiking Tour in Jablanica
Join a guided hike through the stunning landscapes of Jablanica, reaching the peak and enjoying breathtaking views.
Duration: Full-day trip (approx. 8 hours)
Book it here.
Tips: Bring hiking gear and plenty of water.

Lunch Suggestion:
Lunch by a Glacial Lake
Pack a lunch to enjoy at the lake.

Evening Activity:
Dinner at a Local Tavern
Relax after your hike with hearty local dishes.

Day 7: Cultural Wrap-Up

Morning Activity:
Private Walking Tour of Ohrid
Delve deeper into Ohrid's history with a knowledgeable local guide, visiting workshops and hidden gems.
Duration: 3 hours
Explore the walking tour here.
Tips: Listen closely to the stories and legends shared.

Lunch Suggestion:
Lunch at Restaurant Belvedere
Enjoy a meal with views of the lake.

Afternoon Activity:
Explore the Old Bazaar
Wander through the bazaar, picking up souvenirs and handcrafted items.
Duration: 2 hours
Tips: Bargaining is common in markets.

Evening Activity:
Farewell Dinner at Restaurant Taverna
Celebrate your trip with a special dinner, trying regional wines and desserts.

This 7-day itinerary captures the essence of Ohrid, blending historical exploration, natural beauty, and cultural immersion, ensuring a rich and memorable experience in North Macedonia.

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