

总地点: 4962


The world's most secret society and last remaining outpost of the Cold War.


North Korea (Korean: 조선 Chosŏn), officially the Democratic People's Republic of Korea or DPRK (조선민주주의인민공화국 Chosŏn Minjujuŭi Inmin Konghwaguk) is a country in East Asia on the northern half of the Korean Peninsula, lying between Korea Bay and the East Sea (Sea of Japan). It borders China to the north, Russia to the north east and South Korea to the south.\nTravel provides the opportunity to see the last frontier of the Cold War, where a society still runs under a strict Stalinist governance with an emphasis on the military and economic development lags visibly behind the other nations in the region. Tourists may only travel to North Korea as part of a guided tour as independent travel is not permitted. Visitors are constantly monitored in order to ensure their interactions with local people are managed, so as to prevent activities such as taking "unsuitable" photos, criticism of North Korea, disrespect towards the Great Leader, or talking to locals without permission.\nAbout 1,500 Western tourists visit North Korea every year. Most complete the journey without incident, as long as they follow their ever present guides. Incidents have occurred, and when they do then due process is hard to come by. The most likely consequence of any trouble with the authorities is a period of detention before deportation. You should not travel to North Korea if you are not prepared to accept severe limitations on your movement and behaviour.


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