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A long Caribbean coastline graced with beaches and coral reefs, and a mountainous inland home to Mayan ruins and colonial hill towns.

Informazioni su Honduras

Honduras is the second-biggest country in Central America. It has colonial villages (Gracias, Comayagua), ancient Maya ruins (Copán), natural parks (Moskitia), and a Pacific and Caribbean coastline and the Bay Islands, with great beaches and coral reefs where snorkeling and diving are exceptional by any standard.\nThe country is bordered by Guatemala to the northwest, El Salvador to the south and Nicaragua to the southeast.\nHonduras presents gigantic variety for traveling. The Mayan Ruins in Copan.\nGood amenities can be found in cities like Tegucigalpa, San Pedro Sula, La Ceiba, Tela, Utila, Roatán and at Copán Ruinas, but elsewhere conditions can be quite basic, especially in the rural areas.\nYou can find good hotels even in small towns if you are willing to pay a bit more (Honduras is not really an expensive country). Nevertheless a visit is worthwhile, especially to the ancient Maya ruins in Copán Ruinas, the colonial towns of Gracias and Comayagua, and the fantastic Caribbean Coast.\nThe word Honduras means "depths" in the Spanish language.

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