

कुल स्थान: 4962
वर्तमान तापमान
करने के लिए चीजें


Ancient country with staggering ethnical diversity, whose history includes both an indigenous empire and being part of the British Empire, now emerging from isolation under a strict military junta and opening up to tourism.

म्यांमार के बारे में

Myanmar (မြန်မာပြည်), or Burma, officially the Republic of the Union of Myanmar (ပြည်ထောင်​စု သမ္မတ မြန်မာ​နိုင်​ငံတော်), is a country in Southeast Asia, bordering Bangladesh, India, China, Laos and Thailand to the east.\nOnce a part of the British Raj, Myanmar was a closed dictatorship during the late 20th century. With democratic reforms during the 2010s, the country's future is uncertain. The astounding Buddhist architecture and deep jungles have only recently been within reach for most travellers.

म्यांमार में देखने के लिए स्थान

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