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Delft FAQ

Quels sont les meilleurs endroits à visiter à Delft ?

Il y a beaucoup de choses à voir et à découvrir à Delft. Il est recommandé de visiter l'église new church, le marché de la ville, le musée Vermeer, le musée Het Prinsenhof et la brasserie De Koninklijke...

Comment aller à Delft depuis l'aéroport de Schiphol ?

Le moyen le plus simple pour se rendre à Delft depuis l'aéroport de Schiphol est de prendre le train depuis la gare de Schiphol. Les trains partent toutes les 15-30 minutes et il faut environ 45 minutes pour arriver à Delft. Il y a aussi des options de taxi ou de location de voiture.

Quel est le meilleur moment pour visiter Delft ?

Le meilleur moment pour visiter Delft est pendant les mois d'été (juin-août) lorsque le temps est chaud et ensoleillé. Cependant, cela signifie également que la ville est plus bondée et les prix des hébergements sont plus élevés. Les mois d'avril-mai et septembre-octobre sont également un bon choix car les conditions météorologiques sont agréables et la ville est moins fréquentée.

Est-ce que tout le monde parle anglais à Delft ?

La plupart des gens à Delft sont capables de parler anglais, surtout ceux qui travaillent dans les secteurs du tourisme et de l'hôtellerie. Cependant, il est toujours utile d'apprendre quelques phrases en néerlandais pour interagir avec les locaux et montrer un peu de respect pour leur culture.

Faut-il acheter une carte de transport pour se déplacer à Delft ?

Il est recommandé d'acheter une carte de transport OV-Chipkaart pour se déplacer en transport public à Delft et dans les environs. Cette carte peut être utilisée sur les bus, les tramways et les trains. Les cartes peuvent être achetées et rechargées à la gare centrale de Delft, aux stations de métro et dans certains magasins.

Itinéraire de voyage pour Delft


Welcome to Delft, a charming gem nestled in the heart of the Netherlands, where the echoes of history meet the vibrancy of contemporary Dutch culture. As you stroll through this picturesque city, you’ll be greeted by iconic canals, quaint cobblestone streets, and the unmistakable blue-and-white porcelain that has made Delftware famous across the globe. This enchanting destination is not just a feast for the eyes; it is a tapestry woven with rich history, artistic heritage, and a laid-back atmosphere that beckons you to linger just a little longer.

Delft is perhaps best known as the birthplace of the great painter Johannes Vermeer, whose masterful works like "Girl with a Pearl Earring" still captivate audiences today. The Vermeer Centrum offers a fascinating glimpse into his life and artistry, allowing you to walk in the footsteps of this Baroque maestro. But beyond the well-trodden paths lies a hidden gem: the Old Church, or Oude Kerk, which boasts a stunning leaning tower

Comment y arriver

Delft is easily accessible, making it a perfect destination for a week-long getaway. The closest major airport is Rotterdam The Hague Airport, just a 30-minute drive away, while Amsterdam Schiphol offers frequent train connections that whisk you to Delft in under an hour. For a scenic approach, consider cycling along the picturesque waterways from nearby cities or taking a leisurely train ride that showcases the stunning Dutch countryside, setting the perfect tone for your stay in this charming city.


Delft offers a diverse range of accommodations that cater to every traveler's needs, from charming boutique hotels to budget-friendly hostels. The historic city center is a popular choice for its picturesque canals and close proximity to attractions, while the vibrant neighborhoods around the train station provide a more modern atmosphere. Whether you're seeking luxury or affordability, you'll find plenty of options to make your stay memorable. For those planning a week-long visit, consider booking accommodations with kitchen facilities for added convenience and the chance to experience local markets.

Itinéraire suggéré

Day 1: Historical Wonders of Delft

Morning Activity: Private Walking Tour with a Professional Guide

  • Description: Discover the enchanting medieval city of Delft with a local guide. This tour will highlight historical buildings, canals, and the burial site of Johannes Vermeer.
  • Duration: 2 hours
  • Tips: Wear comfortable walking shoes and be ready for historical anecdotes.
  • Book Here
    Private Walking Tour

Lunch Suggestion: Stads-Koffyhuis

  • Enjoy local Dutch dishes such as poffertjes and traditional sandwiches.

Afternoon Activity: Royal Delft Museum Admission

  • Description: Visit the Royal Delft Museum to learn about the history of Delft Blue pottery, a beloved Dutch icon.
  • Duration: 1.5 hours
  • Tips: Consider taking a guided tour to enhance your experience.
  • Book Here
    Royal Delft Museum

Evening Activity: Dinner at Restaurant De Eetkamer

  • A cozy spot serving delicious seasonal dishes. Try the local fish specialties.

Day 2: Art and Culture Exploration

Morning Activity: Half Day Vermeer Tour

  • Description: Walk through the historical heart of Delft, guided by an expert who will share intriguing stories about Vermeer and his influences.
  • Duration: 4-5 hours
  • Tips: Bring a camera for stunning canal views.
  • Book Here
    Half Day Vermeer Tour

Lunch Suggestion: Café de Oude Delft

  • This café offers hearty Dutch fare in a charming setting.

Afternoon Activity: Guided Pottery Workshop

  • Description: Get hands-on experience with clay at a local pottery workshop. Create your own Delft Blue pottery piece!
  • Duration: 2 hours
  • Tips: Wear clothes that can get messy.
  • Book Here
    Pottery Workshop

Evening Activity: Explore Local Bars

  • Visit a few local bars for beer tasting and enjoy the vibrant local nightlife.

Day 3: Nature and Relaxation

Morning Activity: Visit to Botanical Garden TU Delft

  • Description: Stroll through the beautiful botanical gardens, showcasing a variety of plants and a serene environment.
  • Duration: 1.5 hours
  • Tips: Bring a picnic blanket for a relaxing break.

Lunch Suggestion: Kruideniers

  • A charming spot for fresh salads and sandwiches.

Afternoon Activity: Park Klein Veluwe

  • Description: Enjoy a peaceful walk in this park, perfect for unwinding amidst nature.
  • Duration: 2 hours
  • Tips: Bring a camera to capture the scenic beauty.

Evening Activity: Dinner at De Waag

  • Dine at this historic building offering traditional Dutch cuisine with a modern twist.

Day 4: Family-Friendly Activities

Morning Activity: Family Delights Private Walking Tour

  • Description: Explore Delft with a focus on family-friendly attractions, including unique architecture and local stories.
  • Duration: 3 hours
  • Tips: Engage children with stories and fun facts along the way.
  • Book Here
    Family Delights Tour

Lunch Suggestion: Pannenkoekenhuis de Oude Delft

  • Specializing in delicious Dutch pancakes, perfect for families.

Afternoon Activity: Self-Guided Dinner Walking Tour

  • Description: Enjoy a culinary adventure while discovering Delft’s hidden gems, with stops at three different restaurants.
  • Duration: 3 hours
  • Tips: Make reservations at the restaurants in advance.
  • Book Here
    Self-Guided Dinner Tour

Evening Activity: Evening Stroll along the Canals

  • Take a leisurely walk along the beautifully lit canals, ideal for a family-friendly activity.

Day 5: Day Trip to Rotterdam

Full Day Trip: Private Half-Day Delft and Rotterdam Tour

  • Description: Experience two cities in one day, visiting Delft's highlights before heading to the modern architecture and vibrant culture of Rotterdam.
  • Duration: 4-5 hours
  • Tips: Bring a camera for the impressive skyline in Rotterdam.
  • Book Here
    Delft and Rotterdam Tour

Lunch Suggestion: Markthal Rotterdam

  • Enjoy diverse culinary options at this iconic market hall.

Evening Activity: Explore Rotterdam

  • Visit the iconic Cube Houses and take a harbor cruise to see the city from the water.

Day 6: Local Life and Markets

Morning Activity: Explore the Markt

  • Description: Visit the bustling market in Delft, perfect for local produce, cheeses, and souvenirs.
  • Duration: 2 hours
  • Tips: Arrive early for the best selection.

Lunch Suggestion: Broodje Bert

  • Known for its delicious sandwiches and local flavors.

Afternoon Activity: Delft: Walking Tour with Audio Guide on App

  • Description: Discover Delft at your own pace with a self-guided audio tour.
  • Duration: 2-3 hours
  • Tips: Download the app for easy navigation.
  • Book Here
    Audio Guide Tour

Evening Activity: Dinner at Het Vermeertje

  • Enjoy a cozy dinner featuring local and seasonal dishes.

Day 7: Reflection and Departure

Morning Activity: Relax at a Local Café

  • Description: Spend your last morning enjoying a leisurely breakfast or brunch at a local café.
  • Duration: 1-2 hours

Lunch Suggestion: Café De Heren

  • A great place for a final taste of local cuisine.

Afternoon Activity: Last-minute Shopping and Exploration

  • Description: Take the time to revisit favorite spots or pick up souvenirs.
  • Duration: 2-3 hours

Evening Activity: Departure

  • Head to your next destination or home, carrying memories of beautiful Delft.

This 7-day itinerary provides a blend of historical exploration, cultural experiences, and family-friendly activities, ensuring a rich and immersive experience in Delft, Netherlands. Enjoy the charm, art, and local flavors of this picturesque city!

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