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Îles Féroé

An autonomous territory of Denmark in the Atlantic Ocean with a very distinct culture and sense of national identity.

À propos de Îles Féroé

The Faroe or Faeroe Islands (in Faroese: Føroyar, Danish: Færøerne) are 18 islands in the middle of the North Atlantic Ocean, northwest of Scotland and halfway between Iceland and Norway. The Islands are a self-governing island territory of Denmark, although they aim politically for greater independence.\nThe Islands have a population of 51,000 (51,237 Nov 2018), and a language and culture of their own. When visiting the Faroes you are never more than 5 km (3 mi) away from the ocean. The countryside is dominated by steep mountains and there are about 70,000 sheep and some 2 million pairs of sea birds, including the largest colony of storm petrels in the world. The Faroe Islands are undeniably beautiful: green, rugged and wind-swept. Most visitors to the islands come between early July and late August. In 2007, National Geographic Traveler named the Faroe Islands the most appealing island destination in the world.

Endroits à visiter à Îles Féroé

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