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Vilnius FAQ

Was sind die besten Sehenswürdigkeiten in Vilnius?

Vilnius hat viele beeindruckende Sehenswürdigkeiten wie den Gediminas-Turm, die Kathedrale St. Stanislav und St. Vladislav, den Tor der Morgenröte und die Universität Vilnius. Es gibt auch viele Museen, Parks und historische Gebäude, die einen Besuch wert sind.

Welche Aktivitäten kann man in Vilnius unternehmen?

Es gibt viele Aktivitäten, die man in Vilnius unternehmen kann. Man kann eine Stadtführung machen, Rad fahren, im Sommer schwimmen und Boot fahren am Fluss Neris, oder das Nachtleben in den vielen Bars und Clubs genießen.

Wie kommt man am besten nach Vilnius?

Man kann nach Vilnius fliegen, mit dem Zug oder Bus aus anderen Städten in Europa anreisen oder mit dem Auto fahren. Es gibt auch Möglichkeiten, mit dem Schiff über das Meer nach Litauen zu reisen.

Gibt es besondere kulinarische Spezialitäten in Vilnius?

Ja, es gibt viele kulinarische Spezialitäten in Vilnius, die man versuchen sollte. Dazu gehören Zepelinai (Kartoffelklöße mit Fleisch oder Pilzen), Kibinai (gefüllte Teigtaschen), Cepelinai (gefüllte Kartoffelklöße), Šaltibarščiai (kalte Rote-Bete-Suppe) und viele andere Gerichte.

Welches sind die besten Monate, um Vilnius zu besuchen?

Besuchern wird empfohlen, Vilnius im Frühling oder Herbst zu besuchen, wenn das Wetter mild ist und die Menschenmengen kleiner sind. Im Sommer kann es sehr heiß werden, während der Winter sehr kalt und schneereich sein kann.

Reiseplan für Vilnius


Welcome to Vilnius, the enchanting capital of Lithuania, where medieval charm meets vibrant modernity in a captivating embrace. Nestled at the confluence of the Neris and Vilnia rivers, this city is a treasure trove of history, art, and culture waiting to be explored. As you wander through the cobbled streets of the UNESCO-listed Old Town, you’ll be mesmerized by the intricate Baroque architecture, quaint courtyards, and the stunning silhouette of the iconic Gediminas Tower, which stands sentinel over the city. The rich tapestry of Vilnius’ past comes alive in its numerous landmarks, from the majestic Vilnius Cathedral to the serene beauty of the Uzupis district, a self-proclaimed, bohemian republic that celebrates freedom and creativity.

But beyond its well-trodden paths, Vilnius holds hidden gems that will leave you spellbound. Did you know that the city boasts one of the largest collections of surviving Gothic architecture in Eastern Europe? The Church of St.


Reaching Vilnius is a breeze, with multiple convenient options at your disposal. For air travelers, Vilnius International Airport is just a short 20-minute ride from the city center, making it an ideal entry point for a week-long adventure. For those preferring the scenic route, consider taking a train from nearby cities like Kaunas or Riga, where lush landscapes unfold en route, allowing you to soak in the Baltic charm before arriving in Lithuania's capital. Road trips are equally enticing, with well-maintained highways connecting Vilnius to neighboring countries and cities, perfect for those looking to explore more of the region.


Vilnius boasts a vibrant accommodation scene that caters to every type of traveler, from luxurious hotels to charming boutique stays and budget-friendly hostels. The picturesque Old Town is a popular choice for those wanting to immerse themselves in the city's rich history, while the trendy Užupis district offers a more bohemian vibe. Whether you're looking for top-notch amenities or a cozy, local experience, you'll find a diverse range of options to suit your needs. For a week-long stay, consider choosing a central location to easily explore the city's many attractions and enjoy the local dining scene. Dive into the listings below to find your perfect home away from home in Vilnius!

Vorgeschlagener Reiseplan

Day 1: Historical Wonders of Vilnius

Morning Activity: Explore Vilnius Old Town

  • Description: Start your adventure in one of the largest surviving medieval old towns in Europe. Stroll through the cobblestone streets, marvel at the baroque architecture, and visit key sites like the Gate of Dawn and Vilnius Cathedral.
  • Duration: 3 hours
  • Tip: Wear comfortable shoes as you'll be walking on cobblestones. The best time to visit is early morning to avoid crowds.

Lunch Suggestion: Šnekutis

  • Cuisine: Traditional Lithuanian dishes
  • Recommendation: Try the cepelinai (potato dumplings) and homemade kvass.

Afternoon Activity: Gediminas Castle Tower

  • Description: Climb to the top of this historic tower for breathtaking views of the city and the Neris River. Learn about Lithuania's history and the significance of the castle.
  • Duration: 1.5 hours
  • Tip: Bring a camera for stunning photo opportunities.

**Evening Activity: Dinner at Karavella

  • Cuisine: Lithuanian and European
  • Recommendation: Enjoy a cozy dinner featuring local ingredients; their herring dishes are particularly popular.

Day 2: Art and Culture

Morning Activity: Vilnius University and the University Library

  • Description: Visit one of the oldest universities in Eastern Europe, founded in 1579. Explore the beautiful courtyards and the stunning library, which holds valuable manuscripts.
  • Duration: 2 hours
  • Tip: Look out for the unique architecture styles and the famous Grand Courtyard.

Lunch Suggestion: Bistro 18

  • Cuisine: Modern European
  • Recommendation: Try their fresh salads and homemade pasta dishes.

Afternoon Activity: Contemporary Art Museum (MO Museum)

  • Description: Discover Lithuania's contemporary art scene in this vibrant museum showcasing local and international artists.
  • Duration: 2 hours
  • Tip: Check out any temporary exhibitions that may be featured during your visit.

Evening Activity: Attend a Performance at the Lithuanian National Opera and Ballet Theatre

  • Description: Experience a night of culture with a live performance. Check the schedule for shows during your stay.
  • Duration: 2-3 hours
  • Tip: Book tickets in advance and dress smartly for the occasion.

Day 3: Nature and Relaxation

Morning Activity: Hot Air Balloon Flight over Vilnius or Trakai

  • Description: Experience an unforgettable hot air balloon ride. Choose to float over the green landscapes of Vilnius or the serene lakes near Trakai.
  • Duration: 1 hour (flight) + additional time for setup and safety briefings.
  • Tip: Book your flight in advance and dress in layers as temperatures can vary.
    Hot Air Balloon Flight
    Book Here

Lunch Suggestion: Etno Dvaras

  • Cuisine: Traditional Lithuanian
  • Recommendation: Sample the various types of šaltibarščiai (cold beet soup) and potato pancakes.

Afternoon Activity: Relax in Vingis Park

  • Description: Enjoy a leisurely stroll or rent a bike in this expansive park known for its beautiful nature trails and peaceful atmosphere.
  • Duration: 2 hours
  • Tip: Bring a picnic blanket and some snacks for a relaxing afternoon.

**Evening Activity: Dinner at Neringa

  • Cuisine: Lithuanian and modern European
  • Recommendation: Try their seasonal fish dishes paired with local wines.

Day 4: Day Trip to Trakai

Full Day Activity: Trakai Castle and National Park

  • Description: Take a guided tour to Trakai, famous for its picturesque island castle. Explore the grounds and learn about the history of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.
  • Duration: Full day (8 hours including travel)
  • Tip: Bring a camera for stunning photos of the castle from the lakeside.
    Trakai Castle
    Book Here

Lunch Suggestion: Kybynlar

  • Cuisine: Traditional Karaim cuisine
  • Recommendation: Enjoy kibinai (savory pastries) that are a local specialty.

Evening Activity: Return to Vilnius

  • Tip: Relax at your hotel or explore local bars for a taste of Lithuanian craft beer.

Day 5: Hidden Gems and Local Life

Morning Activity: Visit the Republic of Užupis

  • Description: Explore this quirky self-declared republic known for its artistic community. Check out the Užupis Constitution and local art installations.
  • Duration: 2 hours
  • Tip: Visit on a Sunday to enjoy local markets and performances.

Lunch Suggestion: Užupio Kavinė

  • Cuisine: Café-style with local twists
  • Recommendation: Their homemade soups and pastries are delightful.

Afternoon Activity: Explore the Green Lakes (Žalieji Ežerai)

  • Description: A lesser-known spot perfect for a peaceful afternoon. Enjoy a walk around this serene area, great for swimming in summer.
  • Duration: 3 hours
  • Tip: Bring a swimsuit if you wish to swim.

**Evening Activity: Dinner at Senoji Trobelė

  • Cuisine: Traditional Lithuanian
  • Recommendation: Experience a cozy atmosphere with hearty traditional dishes.

Day 6: Culinary Adventure

Morning Activity: Lithuanian Culinary Workshop

  • Description: Join a local chef for a cooking class where you’ll learn to prepare traditional Lithuanian dishes.
  • Duration: 3 hours
  • Tip: Come hungry, as you'll get to taste your creations!

Lunch Suggestion: Enjoy the lunch you prepared in the workshop.

Afternoon Activity: Visit the Museum of Genocide Victims

  • Description: Learn about Lithuania's turbulent history during the 20th century. This museum is located in the former KGB headquarters.
  • Duration: 2 hours
  • Tip: Be prepared for some heavy content; it's essential to approach with sensitivity.

Evening Activity: Dinner in the Old Town

  • Recommendation: Choose any local restaurant that catches your eye while exploring the Old Town for a relaxed evening.

Day 7: Farewell and Independent Exploration

Morning Activity: Private Photoshoot Tour in Vilnius

  • Description: Capture your memories in a private photoshoot that combines a guided tour with professional photography.
  • Duration: 3 hours
  • Tip: Wear an outfit that makes you feel good, and consider using local attire for a unique touch.
    Photoshoot Tour
    Book Here

Lunch Suggestion: Café de Paris

  • Cuisine: French-inspired
  • Recommendation: Treat yourself to a light brunch.

Afternoon Activity: Last Minute Shopping and Exploration

  • Description: Spend your last afternoon picking up souvenirs and exploring any sites you may have missed. Check out the local artisan shops.
  • Duration: Flexible

**Evening Activity: Farewell Dinner at Sakwa

  • Cuisine: Lithuanian with a modern twist
  • Recommendation: Enjoy your final dinner by trying their seasonal specialties.


Experience the rich history, vibrant culture, and stunning nature of Vilnius over this 7-day itinerary. From exploring the cobblestone streets of the Old Town to enjoying the serenity of Trakai Castle, each day is filled with unique adventures and local flavors. With a perfect blend of must-see attractions and hidden gems, this itinerary showcases the essence of Lithuania's capital city.

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