

إجمالي المواقع: 4962
درجة الحرارة الآن
أشياء للقيام بها
تطبيق ودوران


The richest state of the Caucasus, its capital awash in oil wealth and international business, wonderful old palaces of the Shirvan Shahs in Baku and Sheki, Zoroastrian fire temples, barren landscapes—oil and salt spreading across the surface, and world-class hikes in the lush, heavily forested, mountainous north and south.

حول أذربيجان

Azerbaijan (Azerbaijani: Azərbaycan) is a former Soviet republic in the Caucasus and variously considered part of Europe or Asia. The country lies on the Caspian Sea between Russia and Iran and is bordered to the west by Georgia and Armenia. The autonomous exclave of Nakhchivan lies between Armenia and Iran with a short border with Turkey. It is nicknamed the Land of Fire.

أماكن للزيارة في أذربيجان

help ukraine

نحن نقف مع أوكرانيا! الرجاء دعم أوكرانيا وشعبها.